Thursday, March 01, 2007

It begins again?

So my interview with ECC Japan is tomorrow. Good god am I overly-nervous. I don't even understand why; I'm sufficiently prepared I think. I've got a black power-suit and everything. Is that too much? Overly dressed?
I'll find out soon enough.

Apparently I have to get in there, do a grammar/spelling test (not concerned about this), participate in a group teaching session (15 minutes prep for a 5 minute session), and then a personal interview.
I'm concerned about the group teaching. I've signed up for ECC because I want experience and feel this is a great way for entry-level teaching that I can take back with me. I'm afraid my lack of experience (read: none) will show as a burning-hot black pox mark on my face.

All I can do is read up more and anticipate possible scenarios then, eh?

PS: Over a year since my last post! woohoo!

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