Anyways, what have I done leading up to my training?
First I decided to visit the authentic(rebuilt like all castles due to fire damage) Nagoya Jou:
Here is an example of part of the rock garden area of the park:
A mid-autumn Sakura tree all by its lonesome:
Three cats who decided to make an awesome composition for a photo:
Here is the outside of Kanayama station, where I spent most of my time just sitting and listening to various amatuer acoustic musicians. Staying there forced me to buy a baby guitar for 6000 yen (60 dollars canadian). It doesn't sound very nice, but that's 60 bucks for you:
I also attempted to visit the Nagoya aquarium where Marc and I had an awesome time, but I forgot it costs an ungodly 2000 yen, and it was a national holiday so the line just to buy tickets was roughly a 20 minute wait. I skipped that and walked around the port:
I kept on walking around until I found myself in Italy! I was so surprised. Did I accidentally walk through a magical portal of magic!? No! I just walked into the "Italian Village" which looks exactly like real Italy. Not really, but the prices were insanely expensive for everything so I sort of felt like I was there.
I also found the "Chelan Project". I think that's what it's called. It's basically a program where conservationists breed sea turtles in little tubs and then release them into the wild when fully matured. I wonder if it's very effective.
I also saw a Thunderbird just sitting outside a pachinko parlour(Mom, click on the link to find out what it is).
Also, two nights ago I went out with one of my fellow trainees who I will call "V" to McDonalds when we both realized we hadn't been yet. After we finished our meals I looked down to get punched in the face with this advertising gem on the placemat:
Awww, you're there for like 10 minutes and already you have so many great pics. Jealous de-su------<3
Nice! Pretty great castle. I've only seen Karatsu Castle through a train window...
Oresama mo jealous desu.
I was in Nagoya Park exactly 2 months ago! Daaaaaamn!
So you're not in Kyushu? :(
glad you are enjoying your stay in nagoya:) Now I dont feel as guilty for not visiting you in nagoya :P
That Nagoya Jou thing is beautiful... I mean the first pic you took of it. Wow!
And AW to turtles. I think that one would probably eat Jack and Allen in one bite.
Glad training is going well!
I love your blog!!
Hi Chris,
Your photos are lovely, maybe that's a possible vocation for you?
Glad that the training is giong well and that you have some fellow students. Stay healthy, and happy,
Love, Grandma Pat
Haha, I've seen that ad before, and I was like "what the?!" as well! I don't even know how it's read in Japanese. Doesn't make sense...
Hey bra,
Your blog is better than reality TV. I'm getting really excited to visit you... soon?
You need to send me the pictures from Boston, or put them on facebook or something.
watashi wa genki
holy crud, so many comments! I feel so cool!
Marc: Yeah, I know you jealous, B. Thaz aight. Joo gon come ere soon ya?
Michael: It's a beautiful castle. I really recommend visiting!
Hane: I'm in Kyushu as of the 26th. Isn't the castle 懐かしい?
Chris: I'll take you to a cooler one in Kyushu when you visit!
Aboud: It loves you too!
Grandma Pat: Perhaps it could be a vocation for me. However, I haven't posted the thousands of other photos that are absolutely terrible.
Akiyo: All I know is that it makes an interesting meal. haha
Greg: Better than reality tv? That isn't saying much at all :(
I forgot about the Boston pics! wow... I should probably put them up on facebook, yeah. I'll get to that when stuff dies down. Please remind me later! miss you
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