Anyways, what have I done leading up to my training?
First I decided to visit the authentic(rebuilt like all castles due to fire damage) Nagoya Jou:
Here is an example of part of the rock garden area of the park:
A mid-autumn Sakura tree all by its lonesome:
Three cats who decided to make an awesome composition for a photo:
Here is the outside of Kanayama station, where I spent most of my time just sitting and listening to various amatuer acoustic musicians. Staying there forced me to buy a baby guitar for 6000 yen (60 dollars canadian). It doesn't sound very nice, but that's 60 bucks for you:
I also attempted to visit the Nagoya aquarium where Marc and I had an awesome time, but I forgot it costs an ungodly 2000 yen, and it was a national holiday so the line just to buy tickets was roughly a 20 minute wait. I skipped that and walked around the port:
I kept on walking around until I found myself in Italy! I was so surprised. Did I accidentally walk through a magical portal of magic!? No! I just walked into the "Italian Village" which looks exactly like real Italy. Not really, but the prices were insanely expensive for everything so I sort of felt like I was there.
I also found the "Chelan Project". I think that's what it's called. It's basically a program where conservationists breed sea turtles in little tubs and then release them into the wild when fully matured. I wonder if it's very effective.
I also saw a Thunderbird just sitting outside a pachinko parlour(Mom, click on the link to find out what it is).
Also, two nights ago I went out with one of my fellow trainees who I will call "V" to McDonalds when we both realized we hadn't been yet. After we finished our meals I looked down to get punched in the face with this advertising gem on the placemat: