Thursday, November 26, 2009

On Freedom

Laziness gets the better of us all. As you can see I was utterly defeated by it this year. In reality I have been writing a little Japanese diary that I carry with me for the past few months, but even with that I stopped. I'm considering starting up an online Japanese diary as well as starting this one again to keep in contact with students (maybe) but mostly to release my unimportant internal monologue.

The most difficult thing in writing a journal or diary, I find, is finding the proper timing. Right now I'm sitting in my work clothes and still have my jacket on, having come in the door over an hour ago. Normally I'm so tired from my (easy) job I just cook, watch TV, take a bath and then waste my hours on youtube. BUT THAT IS ALL GOING TO CHANGE. RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW. LET'S DO THIS!!! LET'S WRITE THIS BLOG!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! YEAH!!!

Recently I've been dreaming about my final day of work: March 31st. It has been burning inside me ever since Fumi and I decided to return to Canada next year. My plan is to move to Fukuoka and do some intense Japanese study and then go with Fumi on an incredible bicycle journey.
Currently we're looking at touring Shikoku and then returning to Yakushima again. I bought pair cameras for our use on this journey - Holga cameras! Yes, we're going to be the worst kind of hipsters: Matching couple hipsters.
I recently took a Black and White test roll to see what sort of light leaks were in my camera and to get a feel for it. It looks like I overestimated the exposure time as many are too light. But here is the surprise: It cost 3717 YEN to develop one roll! That is roughly 40 Canadian dollars. Absolutely ridiculous! So tomorrow I'm off to get materials to develop myself. We'll see how that goes.

Anyways, I'll be back to post again sometime with pictures. Perhaps of some photos taken with my Holga.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

On Yeah


This has turned into one of "those" blogs. Nothing posted in a while, so readership has been lost.
Thanks a lot Mom and Dad!